Barry Darocha D.M.D., M.A.G.D. ,F.I.C.O.I., L.L.S.R., Dental Director
Barry was raised in Newtown, PA and attended St Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church. He majored in chemistry receiving his AA from Bucks County Community College and BS from Temple University where he continued graduate studies in chemistry and then his Doctor of Medical Dentistry in 1983. He married Kristin Crisci, MD in 1985.
Barry has led an immensely blessed life rich with family, friends, experiences, degrees, awards, and graces. In 2006 he completed a ministry program, “Education for Ministry”, through the School of Theology, the University of the South, Sewanee, TN.
He is dedicated to lifelong learning and enhancing the lives of others. Concerned with the growing culture of narcissism and self-indulgence his quiet mission is to cast seeds of conscience as reminders of the bounty and blessings before our eyes [Mark 4: 3-9]. Man is at his best when caring for and servicing fellow man; a proven fundamental for joyful lives.
Barry is retired from dentistry and living in Canandaigua, NY.
You can contact Barry at dynmoddent@msn.com.