One Hundred Women, Chapter Three

SO far we have taken a peek into the perseverance and ingenuity of a remarkable group of Kenyan women. We’ve seen that, by God’s grace, they are making a difference! However, there are areas in all of our lives that are outside of our control. That’s where their commitment to prayer cones in!

They prayed for clean water for their community and now, for the first time in remembrance, that prayer has been answered – they have clean water! God heard and answered their prayers in His perfect timing.

Now they have turned their focus to a facility where they and their children can receive immunizations, treatment for malaria (their community is among the highest for malaria in Kenya), HIV/AIDS treatment (also ranked among the highest in Kenya), a safe environment to deliver their babies or even treatment for “simple” upper respiratory infections and injuries that can lead to life-threatening infections. Much of the western world take these services for granted but they cannot – and so they pray.

They pray for the day when they will not have to deliver their babies in their homes without the benefit of trained healthcare professionals and sterile obstetrical equipment. They pray that God will move hearts, outside their community, to join them in prayer and with resources.

During this time of year set aside to promote and celebrate, “Peace on earth, good will toward men”, may those of us in the western world join our hearts with theirs – and so let US pray!

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