Team Accommodations

As our mission teams enter Kenya, we are blessed to be able to acclimate gently to this new culture at the Rosa Mystica Guest House. It is located across the street from Junction Mall – yes, a mall! The team can exchange their currency, purchase snacks, and even get a Chinese dinner! The rooms at Rosa are all single occupancy except for a few rooms for married couples. Each room has a TV and western toilet and heated shower. The guest house has free wifi so team members can let their loved ones know that they arrived safely.

The teams generally arrive in Kenya late at night (11:00pm-12:00am). Our stay in Nairobi is generally one full day and two nights. Breakfast is included in the cost of the room. Other meals are additional, and most team members prefer to get them at Junction Mall. Rosa Mystica Guest House provides a safe, gated environment with security guards, and provides a comfortable welcome to Kenya!

While at the site of the medical camp and until the Sanjweru Medical Center Guest House is built, our teams stay at the Superior Guest House, in the town of Magunga about 2 miles from Sanjweru. The rooms here are also single occupancy, each with its own western toilet and heated shower. The team has a private dining room for breakfast and dinner (lunch is provided at the medical camp).

The mission team leaders have protable Kenyan wifi devices so that team members can call home 2-3 times during the medical camp to tell their loved ones, “Wish you were here!” Superior is across the street from the Magunga Market Place and is a fun and educational place to mingle with community members in groups of 2 or more. Superior is also a gated facility.

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