One Hundred Women, Chapter Four
THIS “chapter” gives those outside of Sanjweru, Kenya the opportunity to write into the story of One Hundred Women. You’ve heard about some of the challenges these women and their community face and what they are doing to help meet those needs. Now you have opportunities to come beside them. When you find an area of need that touches your heart you can click here to donate in a way that best suits you. Should you decide to use a credit card or PayPal please write how you would like to bless the Praying Sanjweru Women. Then we invite you to enjoy our tribute to the perseverance and faith of this inspiring group in our One Hundred Women video. One Hundred Women Tribute
We want to send a special thank you to those who make a donation of $200 or more or commit to a monthly donation on behalf of One Hundred Women. Thank you and may God bless you as you bless others!